Julie Brayton Plein Air Painting

Brushstrokes of Light:

Exploring the Journey of Fine Art Oil Painting with Julie Brayton



If you haven’t read the first article, I just want to apologize for being MIA again. I’m hoping this will change soon.

In the last PWJB article, I went into some fundamentals needed to SEE color differently than the average person.

After my students spend some time with me they start to see the world in a whole new way.

If you still have that email, and your interested, I would reread it.

I’m going to keep this email short Because I have a big announcement!

I will be conducting a FREE 9 day Workshop on how to paint the colorist way.

Stay Tuned For More Information 

Are there questions you have relating to how to paint color in Oils or Acrylics? Please respond to this email if you do. I will make sure to address those questions for you. Someone I met at the shows expressed frustration when he tried to layer the colors of a sunset. He said it just turned to mud. Has that happened to you? I can help.

In the meantime, take a look at this day’s Plein Air (Open Air) painting adventure. This is a farm in Stonington. I block in the “starting” notes. This is the foundation to the Light Key in front of me in the hour and half to two hour span. After determining a good start of large blocks of color I then go in to refine. I didn’t finish this painting on the spot. I will have to go back the same time and same light conditions next year if I want to finish from life. The photo reference on the far left does not show or express the subtle nuances seen with the naked eye. That said, having painted from life I can use the photo reference with the start I have and memory of the location to finish earlier if I felt I needed to.

I hope you enjoyed this article. I look forward to seeing you at the 9 day challenge (To Be Announced)

Take Care


1. Sunny Day
2. sunflowers
3. Stormy Day
4. Low warm light
5. Overcast
Paint The With Julie Brayton Optin

For Free Tips And Tutorials, Follow My YouTube Channel Here

My Why

My goal or mission is to bring reminders and connection to the importance each individual has through the connection to nature. How we all can honor the essence of who we have always been meant to be. Creativity, whether through collecting art or creating it, is a healing force that allows us to embrace, tell and own our stories in a transformative and ultimately joyful way.

How does nature and art make you feel? Would painting add another dimension for you?

Comment below.

I would love to hear from you!

Me Plein Air Painting in oil paint